Gillon and Maher Plumbing are experts at commercial fit-outs. We have completed dozens of high quality, high profile commercial works, and we are highly regarded for our ability to project manage and deliver excellent results.
Our reputation for fast and efficient service during the Canterbury Earthquakes has only solidified our brand and reliability. Needless to say we are able to provide excellent service for any earthquake repairs to your property.
With the earthquake rebuild of Canterbury ongoing, we continue to be heavily involved in bringing peoples visions to reality. We can do the same for you.
See us for your under bench or whole house water filter systems.
Under bench systems are permanently tapped in under the sink and can have their own separate dedicated faucet if required.
Whole house systems are tapped in to the water line before it enters the house, providing total protection for the entire water supply.
We can complete a site inspection to determine your backflow requirements and provide you with a free quote to supply and install any required devices. We will assist with processing Council building consents, and or IQP Registered staff can provide ongoing testing and maintenance. Find out more.
Phone: Work – (03) 379 3930 Cell – Darren 021 885163
Postal: PO Box 21453, Edgeware, Christchurch 8143
Physical: 22 Waller Tce, Christchurch Central 8011